
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Um Anjo Caiu do Céu

Well, I think these pictures need no commentary, right? I am so in love! My dear friend Michelle was kind enough to do these newborn pics for me, even being 9+ months pregnant herself, and then she edited them while in labor!- and she is still in labor now! =) Can't wait to hear her news.....
Just thought I'd journal/blog a little bit about a couple of things....
First, about timing. If you are thinking that I actually had an early baby this time, I'll tell you a little secret: my original due date was 9/11, but early in the pregnancy, there seemed to be some indication that I might not be quite as far along as typical calculations might indicate, so we moved the due date back to 9/23, "just in case". All through the pregnancy I went by this later date, because I figured it was better to count on more time than less, right? But as Sept neared, it became more and more likely, from the signals my body was giving me, that the original due date of 9/11 was probably the more accurate one after all. So, with him being born on 9/18, it seems I did my typical 41 weeks, just like all the other times, but the wait was slightly less agonizing this way! We give God the glory for the timing as well, because Fabio had a gap between jobs, and was going to be off work from 9/17 for about a week, so we had really prayed that baby would come then, so Daddy could be home for a little bit, and the Lord came through for us! The timing was perfect!
Now, about his size... did I do anything different to make a smaller baby?? Well, my diet and lifestyle are quite a bit better than when I was pregnant with 11 pound Joshua, BUT barely different than when I was pregnant with 10lb,12oz Israel! So, no, I don't think it was a result of what I did or did not do. I have gained about the same amount of weight with each pregnancy, but the babies just have had a little bit different genetic make-up. Even if I had carried Johann another week or two, he still would never have gotten to the size of my other babies. His head circumference (13.5 inches) was a full inch smaller than my next smallest baby, and that certainly would not have changed much with another week or two either. So, it will be interesting as he grows to see if he stays "smaller" or catches up with his siblings later down the road. =)
And lastly about his name.... where did we get it from? Well, Johann is a name we have always liked, and have discussed it with each child. The only time we had decided on it for sure was when I was pregnant with Dominique, but she turned out to be a girl! This time, though, was perfect. Fabio likes to choose a name that is significant of something we are going through at the time of the child's birth. Johann means God's favor, or God is gracious. This year has been a difficult one for us in several different ways, but we have really felt God's favor upon our lives, in spite of the challenges. He is faithful!
His middle name, Luiz, we chose for Fabio's brother. His name is Luiz Fernando, although he has always gone by Fernando. Anyway, after 9+ years of praying for him, he was saved this year! So, to celebrate his new life in Christ, the same year as Johann's new life on earth, we named him after his uncle. Also, the name Luiz means Warrior, and our fervent prayer for them both is that they would grow to be warriors in God's Kingdom!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Birth Story

Okay, here's the story you've all been waiting for, lol. :)
Contractions started Tuesday evening and were regular and close - every 2-3 minutes, but not terribly hard. We all went to bed, and I woke up during the night with stronger contractions, still close together, so we called the midwife. She came, but things were not too intense, so we all tried to get some rest until things picked up more. However, things just stayed about the same the rest of the night, and in the morning slowed down even more! My water broke, though, on Wednesday morning, so something was happening!
But... not much was happening! ALL DAY on Wednesday, contractions came and went and were just piddly, even though I was still leaking water. We tried everything to get them going - herbs, walking, resting, even jumping on the trampoline! I was completely effaced and at least at 5cm, with a baby head very low and "right there", but still nothing....
If you are wondering what these pictures have to do with the birth story, this is what the kids were doing while waiting! Since the "pool" was in the bedroom for the birth, they had to settle for a 5 gallon bucket each! :)
Anyway, Wednesday was pretty much the most boring day of my life, sitting around waiting for things to pick up all day long! Went to bed with some stronger contractions, and woke up during the night with them several times, but they just wouldnt keep up! I woke up on Thursday morning very discouraged (almost depressed!), wondering if I was *ever* going to have this baby??? Then, a little after 7am, the contractions picked back up and gained momentum rapidly, and by 10:43, I was holding a baby! I actually caught him myself, but later felt bad since that was supposed to be Fabio's job! I guess instinct just took over or something...

The Moment of a Miracle

I could not stop balling when he was born. I don't know what it was - an emotional release, I guess, but I couldn't control it! Meanwhile, the family admires the new baby:

My two babies:

About an hour or so after the birth:

Sometime after our mini family photo shoot,lol, we finally decided to cut the cord. Joshua volunteered for the job:

I was *shocked* when he weighed in at 8lbs 4oz. I never, ever thought I'd have a baby that weighed less than 9lbs! He sure didnt feel little when I was carrying him on the inside!

Getting acquainted with the family:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Johann Luiz - pictures!!!

Here are a few pics, for now. :)
Our beautiful little boy!

His beautiful little feet...

Herb bath with Mama

Sleeping beauty...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Johann Luiz arrived!


Hi guys,
The baby has finally arrived! Both mommy and baby are well.
Johann Luiz Tsukayama is his name, and he weights 8.0 lbs 4oz and measures 20.5 inches. Our smallest ever! (Pronounced Yo-han Lu-ees)
God bless!

Amigos e família,
Por fim o nenê nasceu e mamãe nenê estão muito bem. elizabeth está se recuperando bem.
O nome dele é Johann Luiz Tsukayama e ele pesa 8 libras que em quilos deve ser...deixa eu verificar direito...3.75 quilos e mede 52 cm. Bem pequeno para o que estamos acostumados!
Fika com Deus!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Last Belly Shots?

This is what I feel like doing most of the time these days. hehe. Joshua insisted on taking a pic of me lounging, so there ya go...

Dominique wanted to look like mama too, with a ball under her dress! :)

Almost doesn't look real, eh? This was 2 days ago...

Here's the last shot in the series of my dear friend Michelle and I, who are both due around the same time. It has been so fun - the first time I was due around the same time as a close friend! We're hoping to have our babies the same day. :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Bug and The Glasses

My mom got Israel this big squishy bug, thinking he would like it, but he did not! For some reason, the texture just freaked him out and he did not want to have anything to do with it! So, of course, Daddy had to torment him with it!

He did NOT want it on his neck, but he did not want to touch it in order to take it off!

Still looking forlorn, but Daddy is finally having compassion on the poor boy and taking it off his neck....

Although the postscript to this story is that, about a week after these pics were taken, he "warmed up" to the critter and has no prob with it now!

And who wouldn't love to look like Daddy? This was way more fun than a squishy bug!

Joshua was too sophistocated to participate in the "glasses fun", but not Dominique!

Cool dude!

Daddy's little sweetheart

Trying to be just like Daddy:

Monday, September 08, 2008

Robot Man

Some kind neighbor gave Joshua a robot kit at a garage sale the other week, and he has been so excited about building these robots! This one is called "gobble bot". :)

He doesn't really sleep during nap time anymore, but I require him to have a "quiet time" so that I can rest a bit. He usually reads, but lately he has been building robots instead. Here is the "mad professor's workshop"! Glad it has a door I can shut and not think about it or it might drive me crazy!

And lastly, some live footage of Gobble-Bot: