
Monday, May 18, 2009

An attempt at catching up!

I am so behind at blogging that it is overwhelming to try to catch up at all!
So, I just am posting this hodge-podge of pictures from the last while, and will try to do better keeping up from now on!

These first pics are from "Legislative Day" when homeschoolers from Illinois travel to the capital to visit their legislators and take them homemade cherry pies, encourage them to vote in favor of homeschooling, and gather to sing on the steps in front of Abe Lincoln, etc. It was so much fun! I used to go back when I was a homeschool kid, but this was the first time I had taken the next generation.

We also took a weekend trip to Milwaukee to visit our Peruvian friends. These pics are from that visit:

We have been having a lot of fun with Luciana here!

A couple weeks ago, we had a surprise party for my sil, Amanda, who was turning 30. She was genuinely surprised, so, YAY! We all had a good time!

We have also been to visit my Grandma Nita and we had some beautiful weather to help her with some yard work. HI, Grandma Nita! (She is a faithful blog reader!) We can't wait to see you next week!!!

While there, I got to meet my cousin Brian's baby Sophia for the first time!

And we made it to visit my other Grandma Jean and Grandpa Albert as well. I interviewed Grandma Jean, as I had done last year with Grandma Nita and Grandpa Howard, and was able to video tape it as well. I just loved hearing her tell about the "olden days" and other aspects of family history.

This is only a tiny percentage of all that we have been up to lately, which is why it's been so hard to find time to blog about it! I will try to keep up better now. :)