
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Exciting Plans for the Coming Mission Team!!!

Hi family!

Exciting things are to come!

We definitely see God’s hand and favor going before us! When we first came to Camboriu we had a vision of impacting society although we didn’t know how that was going to come to pass. Well, things started to happen quick and here we are.

We are seeing such a mighty move of God opening important doors for us. After much prayer, we’ve gone to talk to local schools principals, Chief of Sports of the city, etc. and have found a lot of favor from God with them. Everytime we went and sat down at someone’s office, there was no need to try to convince them of the work we’d like to do, but rather they offered the schools for us to use as we wish, even on the weekends! One principal that I went to talk to even offered her home for lodging people!

As for now, we are almost finished with all the confirmations we need to get so we can go with the teams from America to impact three public schools, do a basketball game with the local team which is number six in the State (hoping to gather some audience), American football games and workshops, work at a drug rehab center, and various other things.

A lot of these things have to go through approval from a bunch of different people but so far everything is looking real good. By the beginning of this week we’ll have all the final confirmations.

And we believe this is not our vision, but God’s vision that was being imparted to each one of us, including each one of you as He placed in your hearts the burden to support this ministry in various ways -- even coming down here to be part of it all in pioneering what may become a huge landmark of the effectiveness of churches in transforming society.

Please pray for His continuous favor as the teams come and that He would bless each step of the way as we all work together to make Him known. Also that the churches would be able to catch the vision to work together to continue to impact society, invading the schools with the message of hope, before those doors shut (as we all have seen happen in the US).

Thank you for all your love, support and encouragement toward our family. We love you all!