Wednesday, December 31, 2014
What is Love?
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Recap of 2014 Newsletter
Dear Loved Ones,
Well, we missed the boat for a Christmas newsletter this year, so we are making it a New Year's newsletter! Such is life these days. ;-)
We have had a very fruitful year, and we come to its close with thankful hearts. Thankful especially for Jesus Christ and His life and His love which He has given us in abundance.
It has been a year of growth in many ways! Each of our children has grown, and our family has grown by one member. The reach of our ministry has grown as well, and we are thankful for each opportunity the Lord has given us, each door opened and each family reached with the powerful truths of His Word. And yet our greatest desire is to grow in truly knowing Christ... this is life!
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Making Room for One More - Part 3 (Making a Co-sleeper)
I like to keep my babies close to me at night while they are little. To serve this purpose, I have always used a pack-n-play with the bassinet attachment next to my bed. However, when we returned to Brazil two years ago, Olivia was already five months old, and we were short on space, so we brought the pack-n-play, while leaving behind the bassinet attachment.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Making Room for One More - Part 2
Part One is Here.
So once I got my stuff out of the "Storage Room", I was just dying to tackle an enormous project: refinishing the cabinet! We bought this cabinet at a used furniture store four years ago because it was sturdy and functional and what we could afford, but I always thought it was as ugly as sin. Just never seemed like a good time to do anything about it, though.... Until now!
So once I got my stuff out of the "Storage Room", I was just dying to tackle an enormous project: refinishing the cabinet! We bought this cabinet at a used furniture store four years ago because it was sturdy and functional and what we could afford, but I always thought it was as ugly as sin. Just never seemed like a good time to do anything about it, though.... Until now!
Making Room for One More- PART ONE
There's always room for one more! We are just in the process of trying to discover where it is at! Hehe. We live in a wonderful home, but it is not large by American standards, for eight people, at about 900 square feet. But with a little creativity, we can make it work very well.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Starting a New School Year!!!
To tell the truth, I was *totally* overwhelmed about just thinking of getting started. I felt so disorganized, we had been traveling so much, and I felt "low" on curriculum. Two years ago, we returned to Brazil planning to be here for a two year term, so I planned out two years of curriculum for that time and brought it with me. Now here we are two years later, and we are not going to be returning to the States to restock, so I had to rethink everything.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Me Time?? How much am I willing to give?
But Jesus answered them, saying, “.... Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground
and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor. Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.” John 12:24-28
LImitations on Video Games and Healthy Alternatives
Video Games... TV..... Movies..... Ipad..... Electronic forms of entertainment *abound* in our world these days. How are parents to manage all of these potentially helpful and potentially harmful "tools" for their children? We have tried a lot of different things at different times, and will probably continue to make adjustments as we go along, but I will share some of the ways we have managed this area as of late:
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Celebrating Vovô's 74th Birthday!
It was a blessing that our seminar and ministry schedule took us to São Paulo the week of my father-in-law's 74th birthday so that we were able to take him out to celebrate!
Afternoon Outside with the Littles
These pics were from about a month or so ago. Fabio was painting the ceiling in our living room/kitchen and also employing the help of the three olders to get it done faster. The problem was the two littles.... there was no good place for them to hang out, so I took them outside. I have to admit that I just don't get outside as much as I wish I did. It seems like there is always SO much I have to get done *inside*, that it is hard for me to just SIT and watch them play
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Number SIX Coming Our Way!
Friday, January 17, 2014
And then..... there was Olivia!
I have waited until now to write this post, even though it has been in my mind for many months, because I was still processing the situation... And I still am, but I am ready to share. I also wanted to write it down before I forget how things happened!
Ever since her unusual entry into the world, Olivia has been just a little bit different from our other children. Just when you think you have a little bit of experience in bringing up little ones, God sends a curve ball. Haha.
Ever since her unusual entry into the world, Olivia has been just a little bit different from our other children. Just when you think you have a little bit of experience in bringing up little ones, God sends a curve ball. Haha.
Happy 2014!
friends and family,
Greetings from Brazil! We would like to begin this new year with a
BIG THANK YOU, and a short recap of last year.
a brief update about the family: