
Meet Our Family

We are the Tsukayama Family, missionaries to southern Brazil.  This is a little bit about us.
A Very Brief History:
Fabio and Elizabeth met in Japan in 1999  -- Fabio a Brazilian national, and Elizabeth from the United States.  They were married in April of 2001, and shortly after returning from their honeymoon, were entrusted with the care of a Peruvian congregation, yes, a Peruvian church in Japan.  Pastoring that needy congregation was a difficult learning experience, but they experienced God's power and learned to depend on the Holy Spirit in ways they would not otherwise have had to.
A year and a half and one baby later, they felt the Lord was leading them to spend a season in the USA. They packed up and got rid of all belongings in Japan, but upon arrival in the USA, Immigration sent Fabio back to Japan due to a paperwork glitch with his visa!  The following year was another "refining" experience, as Fabio was not able to find work in Japan again, they had gotten rid of everything they owned, and quite literally got to the point where they weren't sure if they would eat the following day or not! But, God was always faithful, and they got to know Him as their Provider in ways they would not otherwise have had to.
Nine months later they were finally able to arrive in the USA, with nothing but a couple of suitcases to begin a new life. Fabio began working in construction,  and after a fairly long search, they found their home church at Living Word Church in Lansing, IL. Very soon afterward, they began a Hispanic ministry through Living Word Church.
Their time in the USA was a rich one. The Lord built them up in the faith, taught them much, enriched their relationships with family and the family of God, and gave them three more children!

And nearly seven years later, they found God calling them to Brazil for a new season of their lives.  They took the leap, well actually, flight,  in December of 2009.

Today (2016), in Brazil we are attending and serving at First Baptist Church of Balneário Camboriú in the State of Santa Catarina (southern Brazil) pioneering a ministry focused on parenting according to God's Word so that Christian parents may raise a godly generation for the Lord. We speak at Seminars in different denominations and also in schools. We are now developing written materials, both in the form of books, as well as course material available online for use in the context of small groups. This is both to expand our reach, as well as to prepare for the next step that we feel God is leading us to: another international move as a family, back to Japan! More about that here: This World is Not My Home, Part 8

About Fabio:
This guy is super creative!  He has a real artistic flare, which is displayed in various ways -- from construction to web design, to guitar playing and cartoon drawing.  He is a wonderful father, and it is such a joy to me to see him interacting with the children as they grow. Best of all, I love who he is in the Lord, loving the Lord with his whole heart and life, seeking to become more like Jesus day by day, studying the Word, spending time in prayer, and sharing Christ's love with the lost and dying, daily. 

About Elizabeth:
I have a plethora of different hobbies, most of which I never have time for anymore, including sewing, scrapbooking, playing piano, writing and assisting at home births.  I love to teach as well, and that is one thing I do have/make time for - in teaching my own children in our homeschool,  as well as in teaching the Bible in various situations.  A "tent-making hobby"of mine is photography, which helps to provide a bit of our income on the mission field.  I am passionate about motherhood and family vision, which is part of what we seek to impart as we minister on the mission field.

About Our Children:
Here is a smidge about our quiver-of-six (so far) children, who are our joy and crown.  We homeschool and put much of our life emphasis on discipling these treasures God has given us to cultivate.  In spite of all the other "ministry" we do, our number one mission field is right here to these six little disciples.  As much as humanly possible, they are right alongside us in everything we do, and we strive to share with them and instruct them and impart our vision to them at every step of the way. We are so excited to see the glimpses of a missionary heart in them, and pray for an abundant multiplication of whatever "work" we are able to do for the Lord, in the service our descendants can do for Him, expanding His Kingdom on this earth!

This is Joshua Sebastian, our firstborn.  He is extremely intelligent and advanced beyond his fifteen years in many ways. At the same time, he has often been a challenge to us, as he is very definite about what his own will is and tends to enjoy debating and negotiating.  However, we see the fruit of the Spirit beginning to be manifest in his life, and there is nothing we could be happier about. He made the decision to be baptized last year, along with his sister Dominique.  He is very black and white and does not compromise truth.  He *loves* to read, and has read through the entire Bible over six times now! He is also crazy about "cubing"... Rubik's cubes, that is, of all sizes and shapes. He had the privilege of participating in two cubing competitions last year and was just in his element! He would love to participate more.  He has developed a love for music, playing both guitar and ukulele, and is dreaming of and saving for a cello as well. Since last year, he has helped Fabio with his website business as part of his "man training".

 This is Dominique Joy, our little joy of a girl.  It is so nice to have a little girl! She is naturally attentive and sensitive to the needs of others. She has a compassionate heart and just can't bear to see someone sad or hurt or suffering.  At nearly twelve years old, she also loves to read and is now reading through the Bible for the fourth time.  She is a girly girl, and still likes to play dress-up, play with make-up and paint her little sisters' nails. She is becoming very skilled at baking and even has taken orders for her cookies and brownies. And for the past year she has enjoyed learning to play the violin, as well as practicing singing constantly.  I am so thankful for her companionship and she is a wonderful mother's helper.
This is Israel Lincoln. He is our charmer in every way. He so easily conquers the hearts of those he comes into contact with with his sweet smiles and he just loves to give hugs. If you want to conquer his affections, just offer him something to eat - especially bread or anything sweet.   He is learning to play the piano and really enjoys it! School is not his favorite, but he does have a very mathematically inclined mind, and seems to have engineering genius.  He is great with little kids and helps me out a lot with the little ones. I am so thankful to see a genuine friendship developing between him and Johann, after all these years of spending most of their time bickering! 
This is Johann Luiz.  He is nearly eight years old now, and continues to be... very active.   We often say that our family would be dull without our Johann - our little clown. He loves to make us laugh, and has no trouble doing so with his antics and expressions and contagious laughter! He is a bright little guy, and learns quickly... IF I can get him to sit still long enough to do any schoolwork. Most of the time he would rather be running, jumping, biking, or irritating his siblings. (haha)  And... he gives great hugs!
This is Olivia Glorianna, our self-declared "pretty, pretty princess". We are SO thankful that God put her in our family! The year before she was even conceived, God spoke to my heart that our fifth child would be a catalyst of change, and she certainly has been that in so many ways.  She is four now and certainly holds her own in our busy household! She is very strong-willed and tries to boss everyone else around. But she also is a sweetheart and it is so fun to watch her dance and sing and be all girly. Her favorite past time is getting manicures from her big sister Dominique.

 We are thrilled to have been blessed with a sixth blessing nearly two years ago, right on her big sister Dominique's tenth birthday! She was our first child to be born in Brazil, and you can read the account of her wonderful home birth here if you like. She is fairly laid-back, which is a nice break since her big sister Olivia has enough intensity for both of them and then some!  She appears to be very bright, and certainly lacks no amount of stimulation and affection with a house full of doting older siblings!

 Updated August 1, 2016