I'm an auntie again! Here is my oldest brother Scott with his brand newest baby girl, Avianna Marie. She was born last Saturday afternoon and I was privileged to be at her birth. :) She weighed 10lbs even, and was 21 inches long.
She looks so much like Cheyenne when she was born!
Yesterday I had the privilege of having the other four children at my house so their mama could rest up a bit. :)
We had a blast!
The kids played so well together, and it was nice that it was nice enough to play outside for a good while.
I just had to keep counting heads up to seven to make sure I didnt lose anyone!
Fabio put this chalkboard on the garage wall last Saturday - it was perfect!
Israel in the playhouse.
They all just ran from one activity to the other the whole time- what a lot of energy!
Cheyenne -6yo