My big boy Israel turned three today! He had the privilege of being the first in our family to celebrate his birthday in Brasil! We went to the beach this afternoon, where I took this picture in the beach garden. He is afraid of the water! Daddy took him in for a little while, but he hasn't gotten over the fear yet. Otherwise, though, he seems to be adjusting fairly well and enjoying life in general. :-)
This is the view we have out the window of our bedroom. Just to give you an idea of the feel of Santos. In the background you can see some big apartment buildings - and there are many more in construction presently. Then there are smaller, older homes as well. And most have these clay tile roofs. The three-year-olds of the family: Israel and Leonardo. This is the kid's only cousin here - Leo. He was happy to finally have some cousins to play with! They stayed here last weekend, and will be back this weekend. It has been really nice to catch up with them and get to spend some time together.
Joshua and Dominique on the beach, claiming "Brazil for JESUS!" Pray with us to this end, and that the Lord would use us here and our family for this purpose!!!
Joshua and Dominique on the beach, claiming "Brazil for JESUS!" Pray with us to this end, and that the Lord would use us here and our family for this purpose!!!