
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Our Sweeties

I took these pictures of our children on Sunday, before church, and before Dominique yanked her pigtails out! She has a scuffed up nose, though, from falling down a couple of steps at our friends house and getting some rug burn. :( Other than that, they are doing great and being a joy to us and keeping us busy! Dominique is 14 months now and Joshua is officially three and a HALF now. :)


  1. Elizabeth, Does Dominique always pull out her pigtails now? I hope she outgrows it, it looks SO cute when she leaves them! Her hair is definitely staying red, don't you think?

    The pictures are cute... I thought you weren't going to have a digicam for long?

    OUR CROWN MOLDING IS AWESOME! I can't wait for you to come see it. It was such a surprise because it was something I always kind of dreamed about having but never thought was practical enough to spend the money on... so tell Fabio thanks thanks thanks for his expertise. Its beeauuutiful.

  2. Dominique like to mess with her hair when she is sleepy, so that is usually when it happens! They lasted about 3 hours on Sunday....

    So glad you liked the crown! I would like to see it myself. I will pass the thanks on to Fabio. :)

  3. Elizabeth- Your children are such BEAUTIFUL dolly's.
    It's amazing to think that Dominique and Addy will be the "big" girls to our daughter. : )

  4. hey comments are working now! i guess you didn't like my last comment, elizabeth cuz you never "approved" it.. hehe... yay for comments.

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Elizabeth, your kids are so cute. I can never get enough of them. Anyway, thanks for the comment on the Echo blog site. My first language was Polish. I went to kindergarten knowing very little English but I picked it up really quickly. Now I am working in the Sears Tower as a marketing assistant for a law firm.

  6. Elizabeth,

    That's so funny about your comments... I just thought you were being really selective about the content of your comments (which is actually a really helpful took with Bipin in the blogging world, hehe :-)). I'm glad you got it fixed!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Oh man! Im just figuring out this comment thing and I delete one of my OWN! ugh. Anyway, now that comments are working, keep commenting away. :)

    Lisa, thank you! Cant wait to meet your little princess.

    Yvonne, thank you too!
    Cool about polish. Do you still speak it or have you forgotten since kindergarten?
    When you said Sears Tower, I was thinking like something for the tourist that go there, like the ticket counter or the elevator lady! LOL What you do sounds much classier. :)
