
Monday, April 10, 2006

Exciting News and A Few Pictures

Well, our exciting news (for those who haven't heard yet) is that we have been blessed with a third child!! This little one will (most likely) be making his or her appearance around mid-December. :) That makes me about 5 1/2 weeks along, and so far I am feeling okay, just hungry! I hope I don't have much this time in the way of nauseas and stuff, because my current life doesn't allow me the luxury of lying around. :) Maybe that's a good thing ~ it'll keep my mind off of feeling yucky.
So, that means I probably won't be taking both of the kids with me on the bike anymore. Boo Hoo. The other day I was practicing having Joshua follow me on his tricycle here in the parking lot, but his poor legs have to work awfully hard! I don't think we could make it all the way to the library that way......

These two pictures are from our friend Yuko's graduation from the University of Chicago with her MBA. We met her through ISF and it has been fun to get to know her, share our lives and share Jesus' love over the past 2.5 years. Fabio was at the graduation too.... too bad he wasnt in the pics. We seem to have a hard time getting pics taken *together*. Oh well, maybe when the kids get old enough to take pictures of us. :)

Dominique is not currently in a particularly photogenic stage. She is too active to sit still for longer than 2 seconds without a struggle, and she doesn't find it funny anymore to see me play peek-a-boo with the camera. But at least you can see her face, right?

And in the second one, she turned her head, but I posted it anyway, so you can see her cute little pigtails. :)

She's soon to be the big sister! ~even though she doesn't get the concept yet... But she's still my little baby. (She will be 18 months at the end of this month.) In this last picture, you can see what she does when she is sleepy or shy... lay her head on my leg. Only usually it is with her two middle fingers in her mouth too. It is really sweet.


  1. whoo hoo! way to go... congrats! i am really happy for you guys.

  2. Congratulations you guys ! ... great news! does this affect plans for England / Wales?

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    by the way - that axis comment is from me (Michelle)

  4. Thank you for all the warm congrats!!!
    No, I dont think this will affect our plans for Wales, but looks like baby will be born there. :)
    Michelle, I was wondering who "axis" was. hehe. :)

  5. YIPEE!!! Congratulations, that is so awesome. I hope everything goes well!

  6. Thank you, Kathy!

    Hope all goes well for you too! Keep us posted!!!!!
