
Saturday, February 24, 2007

February is coming to a close!

First and most importantly, I would like to ask you all to PRAY for this beautiful little girl named Jillian. Just a couple of short weeks ago, a football sized tumor was found in her chest and she is now undergoing chemo therapy. You can visit the listed website for more details, but please pray for her health, and for her parents and 10 siblings as they go through this difficult time.

Well, this week in bitter cold Chicago, we had a heat wave: it was in the 30's F (between 5-10 degrees C). So, we were finally able to get out of the house and we went to pay a visit to my brother Scott's family. Here is Joshua with Dillon.

And then Joshua with Cheyenne.
Joshua is about 8 months older, and it is a toss-up as to which one is taller!

And Dominique with Cheyenne. They love playing dress-up!

Here is Dominique with Gabriel. Dominique is about four months older than Gabe, and again it is a toss-up as to which one is taller in real life, but in the pic Gabriel definitely looks taller.

This is my new "thing" ~ wrapping my baby up in a long piece of cloth. This is him wrapped up in a saree I bought 10 years ago in India. Glad I finally found a use for it! I think it is about 8 yards long. He feels totally secure in this and it is comfy for me too, because his weight is evenly distributed between both shoulders. And my hands are free, which is often necessary these days!

This is our Valentine's Day date. Israel still gets to go on dates with Mommy and Daddy! :)
The bad thing was that Fabio was getting sick! You can tell in the pic that he wasn't feeling up to par. He only went down hill from here and was in bed for several days. He is fine now though!

Funny Im only getting around to posting this now, when most of the snow is melted, but this is what happened to us last week! Lots of snow!

Here is my big helper girl Dominique. She LOVES to help me vaccuum, and Joshua does too. In case you are wondering, yes, she painted this shirt all by herself!! That was one of our snowy day projects. ;-)


  1. Can I borrow Dominique one day to help me around the house? My vaccuum hasn't seen the light of day in a while:) Well unless of course you count cleaning up the broken glass of two windows in as many days!!!

  2. Yeah, can I borrow her too?? I hate to vacuum!! Also, i love the color of your saree!!! So PRETTY! Not to mention functional and fashionable - way to go Elizabeth!

    P.S. I heard your mom goes to Faith Church (Dyer), does she still?? that's where I go and haven't seen her. Of course last I heard Faith was around 5,600 some odd people! Might explain things... LOL!

  3. Sounds like Dominique has some potential clients for her soon-to-open cleaning business! LOL

    Yes, my mom has been going to Faith lately as far as I know. Maybe you will run into her eventually!
