
Saturday, May 12, 2007


Well, as I mentioned a few posts ago, my brother Aaron got back from Iraq on April 28. I really wish we could have been here for the homecoming, especially after we found out how cool it was! This is the email my brother Scott sent me the day after Aaron got home:

aaron and the rest of the unit returned around 10:30 last night led by 428 harleys and some state police for 80 miles. there were thousands of people along the entire town on streets and lawns waving flags and banners. inside the compound there were around 600 family members to welcome them home. so contrary to what you hear on the media , people really do support our troops. scott

Scott made this sign and the one below and mounted it at Aaron's base the week before the homecoming. Pretty cool!

Uncle Aaron meets baby Moriah. :)
We sure are happy to have you home, Aaron! Thank you for your service to our country. I love you!


  1. Oh wow - welcome back Aaron! Is he back for good? Or is this just an R&R? I hope it's the former. And an official welcome back to you guys too! :-)

    The pics show that you guys had so much fun. And now we can stop talking about the trip to Brazil and start talking about the next one... What? Back to Japan? ;-)

  2. He is back for good now! YEAH!

    Thank you for our welcome back too! Yes, we had a fun trip. :) Is that prophetic, what you're saying about Japan??? hehe. :) I would LOVE to at least visit. I miss it SO bad!

  3. Welcome Back Aaron. The photos brought on the tears, just seeing him with his family and the new baby. WOW! Thank you Jesus he is save!

    Japan, you guys going to Japan? (should I start a runor...ha ha just kidding). I know how you feel tho about going back.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Dear Girl,

    I truly enjoyed this and need to visit it more often now that I have easier access to high speed internet. I love the pics and the kids seem to have really enjoyed the museum and water park as well. Made me want to hold all of the kids again, by God's grace not toot much longer.

    Love Dad
