
Monday, October 01, 2007

Family Gatherings

Here is my brother having a rare serious moment. :)

Yet another attempt to take a picture of all eleven grandchildren. This was the best of about twenty tries!

Uncle Joe with little Israel

Uncle Joe, Aunt Kathy, and Grandpa Howard.
Aunt Kathy and Grandpa Howard are funny together. You may have to know them to find the humor in this, but their conversation went something like this:
Aunt Kathy: Do you believe I've known you for forty years now?
Grandpa: Ya, forty years now I've had to put up with you!
Aunt Kathy: Ya, well, the feeling is mutual!
I had no idea at the time, but Aunt Kathy was not feeling well all day and was taken to the hospital the following day with heart trouble. She seems to be doing better now, but please keep her in prayer.

The ladies L-R: Mom, Amanda with Moriah, Aunt Sue, Suzy, me with Israel.

Grandpa Howard, Uncle Bill, Uncle Joe

Grandma Carol and Moriah who looks adorable sucking her thumb ;-)

I needed to take this picture because the most recent picture I had of Scott's family was when their first child was a baby, so I really needed to update! What a beautiful family!

And after trying for about five months now, I finally got a beautiful wonderful splendid picture of my adorable neice smiling! (Usually when she smiles, she gets so excited that she turns her head and the picture comes out blurry!)

1 comment:

  1. Great family pics! Makes me feel a little pensive since my family isn't near. I wonder if Fabio feels the same way.
