
Monday, October 22, 2007

A Visit to My Grandmothers

Well, we finally made it last weekend to visit my grandmothers, after intending to for too long! We had a wonderful time! Here are my children with Great Grandma Nita, my dad's mother.

She has a nice little creek down by her house that the children like to play by (and would like to play in!)

Great Grandma Nita and Israel

Joshua and Dominique sitting at a very special table at Grandma's house. This table was my grandmother's when she was little; my father and siblings used it when they were little; my cousins and I used it when we were little; and now a fourth generation is enjoying it! Talk about made to last!

Uncle Bill and Joshua looking at a model Porsche. Joshua soaked up all of the attention Uncle Bill gave him! He is my dad's brother.

My grandma "babysits" for her neighbor's cat, Pumpkin. He is a rather curious cat, and here you can see him checking out Israel's bed! The children loved having him around.

Grandma always has fun things planned for us to do, like go for lunch to BK play land! It's always nice to wear the kids out!

Then later we went out to Uncle Bill's new place. He recently moved back to the place of his birth to go back to farming after getting tired of the stress of the corporate world. I asked him how he liked it and he said it was great.... that it didn't pay as well, but that you can't buy peace of mind. So true!

So, here he is back to where he and my dad and aunt grew up, and where their parents grew up before them. Actually, on the way to his place, my grandmother showed me the school that she went to from kindergarten through eighth grade: a one room school house. She explained that there was one every two miles, for all the children to walk to. One year there were six children: a brother and sister from three families. Another year there were also six, but five were boys, and she was the only girl. Even the teacher was male! Now that schoolhouse has been turned into a house and is not any too big! Incidentally, my father also went to a one room schoolhouse when he was little.

Sunset at my uncle's place. See the cattle on the yonder hill? Oh, how my heart aches for a place like this!!

We all love Grandma Nita! I'm so glad we got to visit!

Here we are saying farewell to Grandma and Mr Moon, her husband of 4.5 years. :) And then we were on to visit the other side of the family!

Saturday I was able to go to a baby shower down by Springfield for my cousin's wife,Becky . She looked great, all went well, and I was happy I was able to be there. Since we don't live very close, I am always grateful for every chance to be able to be a part of things.

With Grandma Jean, my mom's mother.

Great Grandma Jean loving on my kiddos!

I wanted to get a nice picture of her holding Israel, but he was so past nap time, that I had to give him something to even get him to sit there for two seconds, and the only thing I had available was my keys! So, this is the best pic we got, but it turned out okay, considering. :)

We got home not too late on Saturday night, and were very thankful for God's grace and protection on the trip! "A good time was had by all."


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    DEAr Girl,

    Mom looks good and is getting older as we all are, but glad that you were able to visit and I know enjoy the time. Bill needs some grandchildren! Grndma Jean looks about the same, and I am glad for Becky and the baby that is on the way. Good shots of the Homeschool convention and the dousins. thanks again for this

  2. Anonymous5:28 PM

    fico feliz em ver que vc pôde ir visitar seus avós...é muito bom aproveitar o tempo com eles e especialmente para as crianças.
    ver este blog só faz aumentar a saudade que tenho, mas é uma boa ferramenta para acompanhar o que está passando por aí. para todos nós, que estamos longe, e que amamos voces.
