
Friday, December 14, 2007

Sebastian James Hodges

Well, it seems that blogging goes in spurts: either I have a bunch to post, and not enough time to post it, or I have some extra time, and nothing noteworthy to post! :)

Well, right now I have several things to post, so I will start here and keep posting if the kids stay asleep!

This beautiful baby is Sebastian James Hodges, born to our friends Greg and Alejandra on December 3rd. Isn't he beautiful?

Israel was fascinated by him! Boy, did he look like a huge monster next to this little munchkin!


Alejandra's mother is in from Argentina, and we had a really nice visit with her. Wonderful, godly lady!

The children were SO excited about the baby! Joshua didn't want to give him up, but Dominique would give him no peace. :) I didn't get a good shot of her holding him, though.

I love seeing men be tender with babies and children.
Te amo, meu amor!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Greg & Alejandra!! How exciting.
