
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Visit to Grandma Jean's

Here we are with my Grandma Jean, my mom's mom.

Joshua and Levi sharing a bucket.

My cousins Tim and Mike

My Aunt Nancy (my mom's sister) and her granddaughter Teagan (my cousin's daughter).

Meeting Alli for the first time - my cousin Aaron's first baby. She's beautiful!

My mom, sils and I make scrapbook pages each year for the grandmothers. Here she is looking at this year's addition to her scrapbook.

Aunt Diane and Uncle Pat (my mom's other sister)

Israel and Great Grandma Jean

Grandma played the piano for us and it was beautiful! She hadn't played in years and she plays beautifully by ear. It was so nice to hear her play.

The next up and coming piano player of the family: my neice Jessica. She charmed us with several Christmas carols and she is really doing well.

My cousin Aaron, wife Becky and new precious daughter Alli.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, vc também tem uma familia grande hein!!! bjs!
