
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Israel is walking!

Well, Israel took his own sweet time starting to walk, much to my surprise since he was my earliest crawler! I guess these little ones just like to keep us guessing!
Anyway, a couple days ago he took off, at 13.5 months old. :) No slow build-up here! Once he decided to go for it, he was off! And SO proud of himself to be such a big boy! It totally made his whole day - he was just so happy with himself!

Look at him go!

And go!

And go!

So excited about his progress!

What a happy little guy! He is such a joy to have around!

Maybe this would be an appropriate place to include one of Joshua's recent comments about Israel.....
A few weeks ago, Joshua said to me with such a happy face, "Mommy, it is such a blessing to have Israel in our family! He helps us a lot! He cleans all the garbage off the floor so we dont even have to!"
Hehe, who needs a dog? LOL! Joshua was not being sarcastic at all - he was totally serious! I dont even think he knows how to be sarcastic.... :)

And a video clip of the action:


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Good job Israel!! Looks like he's quite the walker now, making up for lost time I suppose.
    He's getting so big!

  2. sounds like good timing to me! any sickness yet?

  3. Ha ha...i love the Joshua comment! SO cute...I am still giggling. Your little man is really going!

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Hi Elizabeth, how he is growing up and so happy! Joshua has great insight to things around him . I love the song he made up. He has mind that is thinking all the time. Thank you for the pictures to keep up on the family when we can't see you often. The taffy pull looked like such fun!1 I Remember when Grandma Nita made taffy for us to pull one time. It was great fun. Congratulations on your new life. You are on great mother!! Love Aunt Susan

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    That's so cute with Israel walking. I'm so glad you're getting these moments on video to look at as the kids get bigger. They grow up so fast! I love them all!
