
Monday, March 10, 2008

Freedom Alert!!

Dear Friends,

I know most of you do not home school but that you are concerned about our liberties and freedoms as American citizens. In California, home schooling has been a legal right for a very long time, but last week, a judge working from anecdotal evidence, effectively banned home schooling for all Californians in one decision about one family. The Home School Legal Defense Association is still collecting facts about this particular case because they were not involved with the family prior to the judge's decision. The details of the case are irrelevant however, in light of the fact that the judge has tried to prevent all Californian families from home schooling because of one case! Imagine if we all were banned from certain freedoms because of one criminal's action? This decision is outrageous and threatens the right of parents to choose what is best for their children.

Dr. James Dobson, whom many of you respect, and who did not home school his own children, interviewed the president of HSLDA about this landmark case and it will be aired today. You can listen to the broadcast on the Focus on the Family website at your leisure. I encourage you to listen to the broadcast and sign the petition (link below) to send a message to this California judge that families all across the US are incensed by this decision.

Few things make me so angry as when our freedoms are threatened.

The only thing that makes me more angry is when no one stands up to fight when it happens.

Husbands and wives can sign separately. Here is the link:


  1. Already signed and sent out to friends and family to sign. :-)

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I signed it too. For some great facts on CA homeschooling see my friends list JAMINACEMA. She lived there years ago. Thanks for sharing the link.

  3. Things like these always remind me of such vast cultural differences! For example, is homeschooling really a right? Or is it a privilege of an advanced society? If primary education wasn't compulsory by law in places like India, kids from poor families would be working in the fields, or whatever their parents are doing, rather than being in school (and some still do).

    Still, I agree with your sentiments. :-)

  4. LOL, Bipin, I had a feeling you would have something to comment here! :)
    FTR, primary education *is* also compulsory in the US as well. Therefore, no US parent has the "right" to withhold from their child an education in order for their child to work in the fields, or sit in front of the tv, or whatever else. The only right we are afforded is to choose whom is to be the primary educator of our children. :)
    As far as I know, Germany is currently the only country in which homeschooling is illegal. However, if you ask your average Brazilian, Japanese, Mexican, etc.... they all think it is illegal in their countries, even though it is not.
    A homeschool is actually a private school and is categorized as such. :)
    Thanks for agreeing with my sentiments. :)

  5. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Good to visit the site again and see the pics. The maple syrup reminds me of Ohio. It is true that freedom costs in money, time and bodies, the fight there is raging, it is just that most people do not want to face it. It is called judicial tyranny, that is why the Lord expressly forbad judges from taking bribes. Hope all is well there and glad you are feeling better.

    Love Dad
