
Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Joshua just celebrated his SIXTH birthday last Saturday!! Hard to believe we have a six year old. I was recalling that I remember when he was born as if it was yesterday, but at the same time it seems like a long time ago.....
Speaking of which, here is a picture of that memorable day! This was about 20 hours into labor - doesn't Fabio look excited?? LOL!

A couple of months later we were all feeling much better! (This isnt a great picture of him, but it is the only one I had in the computer already from this time frame!)
Now watch him grow!

July 2003, around his first birthday

The day he turned two - July 12, 2004. He had learned to say "TWO", and you can kinda tell he is saying it in the picture. :)

2005 - THREE years old!

July 2006 - Four years old!

July 2007 - Five years old

July 2008 - Six years old

We started our his birthday celebration with the cereal of his choice. I took him to the store the night before and let him pick out any kind he wanted - a real treat around here! Kaboom was his choice. Incidentally, Dominique got her hand in the car door just as we got to the store, so I let her pick one out too. Did wonders for the healing time on her hand!
I stayed up after the kids were in bed the night before and decorated the kitchen for his birthday. It was fun to see his face when he walked in - until then he had forgotten it was his birthday!
Then we gave him his choice of lunch-out locations. Wouldn't you know it - we had a McWonderful time! LOL. The fun thing was that the local firemen had brought the training trailer (or whatever you call it) out to the McDonald's parking lot, so we got to go in for the kids to get a lesson in fire safety and how to escape in case of a fire. It was really cool! There was no one else there, so we really got to be VIPs!

Upon arriving at home, we had another birthday surprise - a baby sparrow in our yard!

It was quite well developed, but unfortunately only lived one day as we couldn't regurgitate worms just the right way for its liking, apparently.

Then in the evening we had some friends from church come to help us celebrate with Joshua. Here he is with his ice cream cake!

Israel thoroughly enjoyed it!

And they got him a skateboard! Way too cool!

Later on, we went out and made a fire to roast marshmallows on and make s'mores. Mom and Jack joined us later too.

The rare family shot:

And John and Gina and family that helped us celebrate. They are relatively new at our church, and we enjoyed getting to know them better. "Mr. John" has done some work on the church, painting and such, and Joshua has gotten to be good buddies with him! It was fun to have them celebrate with us.
So, now Joshua's SIX years old! He is learning and growing so much and we are so proud of him! WE LOVE YOU, JOSHUA!!!


  1. Parab�ns Joshua!!!! Pelo que vi nas fotos, foi um dia bem divertido!
    Seu presente ainda est� aqui em casa. No dia que n�s ompramos e fomos levar no correio, o correio entrou de greve! J� s�o quase 2 semanas, e n�o sabemos quando vai voltar ao normal...acho que chega antes do natal... :-)

    beijos para todos voces
    eu te amo!!!

  2. Fabio looks to be about six in the first picture! :-)

    This is a cute post with the different pictures of Joshua. Happy birthday, big guy!

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Thanks for asking. I am sorry I didn't get back to you. I thought I did. Things are going good. We will be at LWC next week. We can talk then.
    We are going to see Francis Chan in OH this weekend. I can't wait. When I was looking at Joshua in these pictures I was thinking wow we have known each other for a while now. I remember when he was so little. Well when you start at 11lbs you are not technically little, but you get what I mean.LOL
    Happy Birthday Joshua!
    I miss talking to you on Sundays.
