
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Johann is 5 months old!

Well, these are over a week old now, but Johann is FIVE months old!
He is teething like crazy, but other than that, he is a happy boy and a good baby. :)

He gets more than adequate attention from his doting siblings and his parents, so he is not lacking in the stimulation department with all the noise and activity we have going on here all the time!

The first months of each baby's life have gone by very quickly, but this time around, life feels like a whirlwind! Where do the days fly by to?

He reminded me mostly of baby Israel when he was very little, and lately he has been reminding me more of baby Joshua. Either way, there is definitely a strong family resemblence!

But, so far, he has kept his dark blue eyes, whereas the others had very dark brown ones by a couple months old......

We Love You, Johann!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Daddy Daughter Dance

This post has been a little while in coming - sorry!
A couple of weeks ago was the daddy daughter dance at my brother Aaron's church - a chance every year for daddies to take their little princesses out on a daddy date night!
And, boy, let me tell you - the little princesses LOVE it! Dominique could hardly wait for her special night to dance with Daddy.

We started out at my sil Suzy's house, fixing hair and getting the girls all dressed up and even putting a bit of make-up on them. They were beyond ecstacy!

And then they were off!

My brother Aaron and his princess, Jessica

My brother Scott has two princesses, but the younger one will have to wait another year to join the dancing fun. This year Cheyenne got daddy all to herself. :)
Here they are, all ready for the action:



Sweetest. :)

This video of the dancing queen is pretty funny!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dedicated to the Lord

The Sunday before last, we dedicated Johann "formally" to the Lord, before our church. It is always a blessing for us, as parents, to make a public acknowledgement that this child that we have been blessed with does not belong to us, but has been entrusted to us by the Lord for a short time to mold, nuture and instruct in the ways of God. We are so blessed to have a church family that stands by us as we do this, praying with us and for us and supporting us in both spiritual and practical ways.

Johann is four months old and looked quite handsome in his tie!

We were blessed to have all of my family join us for the celebration as well!

And another special blessing was long-time family friends Kate and Olivia joining us too! This is Kate and my mom, kindred spirits. :)
After church, my mom was kind enough to cook for all of us and we had a fun family day, where Aaron tried on Johann's tie. I dont know about you, but personally, I think it suits Johann better. ;-)