
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Dedicated to the Lord

The Sunday before last, we dedicated Johann "formally" to the Lord, before our church. It is always a blessing for us, as parents, to make a public acknowledgement that this child that we have been blessed with does not belong to us, but has been entrusted to us by the Lord for a short time to mold, nuture and instruct in the ways of God. We are so blessed to have a church family that stands by us as we do this, praying with us and for us and supporting us in both spiritual and practical ways.

Johann is four months old and looked quite handsome in his tie!

We were blessed to have all of my family join us for the celebration as well!

And another special blessing was long-time family friends Kate and Olivia joining us too! This is Kate and my mom, kindred spirits. :)
After church, my mom was kind enough to cook for all of us and we had a fun family day, where Aaron tried on Johann's tie. I dont know about you, but personally, I think it suits Johann better. ;-)


  1. i actually prefer it on Aaron. ;o)

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Johann is lovely.. and you all are great !!
    Happy Bday Fabioo !! (I didn't know it has been his birthday !!)
    LOVE YOU !

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Awww, he is so precious in that bitty tie! But, is it just me, or are you missing a kid on that stage?
