Saturday, August 08, 2009

An Attempt at Catching Up...

I have so many things to blog about that there is no way I will be able to catch up completely, but here are a few things:
Joshua turned 7! We had an early celebration at the end of June for him and Levi, who turned 7 on June 11, so that Auntie Luciana could join in the celebration before going back to Brazil.

My neice Jessica will be 13 tomorrow adn she is passing me by already!!!

One of the BEST ways to enjoy the summer is in the hammock!

Dominique and I got to go to a tea party:

And we have gone to the beach twice!


Then on Joshua's birthday we celebrated with friends, who also have a son born on the very same day as Joshua!

Another one of the BEST ways to enjoy summer in the backyard:

Johann decided that he really enjoyed eating sand:

And yet another great way to enjoy summer, or any time for that matter!

In the hammock again:

At the waterpark with our church:

Getting some time with our friends who have also been our home group leaders this past year. They are moving to Virginia this week and we will sure miss them!!!

Whew! Now we are at least up to July! I keep trying to do better at keeping up and failing miserably. =) At least we are having fun though, albeit keeping busy!!

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