Friday, March 17, 2006


Because freedom doesn't come free.....

My brother Scott, the one who isn't a Marine, is an amazingly talented artist. As one means of supporting our Marine brother Aaron, he designed and made this awesome work of art, which he finally finished this week and mounted on the outside of his house. He cut all of these pieces out of wood for the guns, the plaque and the eagle, globe, anchor symbol of the Marines, painted it and weather-proofed it. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure, and as a reminder to pray for my brother Aaron, who is being deployed to Iraq this summer, and the thousands of others who are sacrificing to protect and defend the freedom we enjoy in this country.


Artwork by Scott M. Black

Cpl A.P. Black


Anonymous said...

The plaque that Scott made is so fabulous! I think he should make prints of it and sell them or give them out to other families who have men in the military as a reminder to pray for our troops. Thanks for posting these pics of it.

Bipin Sen said...

wow. that's so cool. looks amazing! i agree with carol... but i'm sure he will be pretty busy once he gets deployed. so maybe after he gets back...

Fabio 'n Elizabeth Tsukayama said...

Hey Mom! I agree!

Bipin, my brother that's being deployed isn't the same brother that's an artist... Scott's the artist. Aaron's the Marine. So, Scott could still do it while Aaron is being deployed! :)

Unknown said...

creativity must run in your family :)

Kathy said...

Nice work he did! I agree with Michelle

Phyllis said...

This is Phyllis in Russia. I was just stopping by to say hi. :-)

Lisa said...

That is great. I will add aaron to my prays for the soliders. two of my close friends have been in and out of duty in Iraq lately (Jesse and Steve).