Monday, December 11, 2006


Nothing yet. No baby news.
At this point it sorta seems like some far-off distant dream! Like a fantasy that may never come true.... LOL, I remember getting to this point with the other two too, feeling like I may be pregnant forever and will never give birth. hehe.

Just one more opportunity to learn surrender, right? At least I don't feel too terribly impatient at this point. Probably even less than 2 weeks ago. Maybe partly because I *know* it can't be long now, and maybe partly because I feel more ready than I did 2 weeks ago. Everything is set! So now Im just trying to keep up with the day-to-day, and at least I have no chance to get bored!

Thank you for praying. Keep it up!


Unknown said...


I was hoping to see some other news!!

Aren't later babies supposed to come faster???

You're not giving me much hope for an early #3 delivery (not that I'm pregnant!). come on little guy (i'm banking on boy - what did i vote for before?)

candi said...

Uggh, I feel like I am never going to have this baby. Oh wait I mean you- talk about living vicariously!!!

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

We're getting so excited for you Friz! I keep checking your blog to see if there is news! I'm glad you're keeping it updated! We're praying for you!

. said...

Do you check the heart rate at your prenatal visits? If so what is it.. I want to post a gender guess before you pop...

Lisa said...

Do you have a baby poll moins the dollars going? If so ... I want in. I say boy!

Anonymous said...

ai, quase todo dia estou checando o blog para saber das boas noticias...amanha estou voltando para o Brasil, entao vai ficar um pouco mais dificil entrar no blog sempre, mas sei que alguem vai me avisar assim que o bebe chegar...beijos