We started our festivities a little early, with the fireworks in one town that they have on the third!
Here is Mercedes and Dominique gearing up for the big boomers:
He mainly just knows green, blue and purple so far. :)
It was fun, and we got home after 11:00pm....
They insisted on taking hugging pictures in their "festival clothes":
Israel was the victim of Moriah's motherly instincts coming out already! She just couldn't stop hugging him - for like, fifteen minutes!!!
"Finally! I'm FREE!"
I am at 28.5 weeks now, so about 12 more to go. This is the point that people start looking at me like I'm crazy when I tell them when I'm due and firmly state that I will never make it that far! I assure them that I certainly will make it that far, and then some, probably!
A little pregnancy note, while I'm on the subject! Now that third trimester is upon me, I am once again experiencing the joys of increasingly intense Braxton-Hicks contractions, occasional leg cramps in the night when I skip my red raspberry leaf tea and forget to take my Cal-Mag, extremely frequent trips to the ladies room and that wonderful puffy feeling of being big in the summer heat ... but all is going well and I can't complain too much! I think I actually have more energy than I did with my other pregnancies, which I attribute to God's grace! I never get tired of feeling the baby moving all over the place, and I am getting SO excited to meet this little one!
Now, back to our party!
Israel loved sitting with Jessica on the trampoline and bouncing around, although he wasn't too crazy about standing up and jumping!
On the way home from Scott's, we stopped and caught the fireworks in Beecher. We made it home sometime after 11pm again..... but it was fun!
Daddy and Israel with the horses:
And that about wraps it up!
The only plans for tomorrow, besides church, of course, are NAPS!!!!!!!!! :)
I bet Aaron will go before you... :-)
Such a cute post Elizabeth! Glad to see that your family is happy & healthy. Don't know which amused me more - your comment about being happy to get everyone in the picture, or your pictures of Moriah & Israel. She's never that lovey on me! :) Maybe I'm too big! (Or maybe she's teasing me since she knows I want her to & Israel didn't!) :) Babies are so cute & funny. Hoping to see you again sometime soon! :) Tabitha
OH! We really should meet at the zoo someday. I live so close to it and I don't go often enough. Let me know next time you are checking it out. :)
love the preggy pic!!! I send u a message on Facebook with my number! Then we can all go to the zoo!
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